Well we are 29 weeks into this pregnancy and cannot wait to meet this little guy!
As we have mentioned before (on social media), baby boy has clubbed feet. We first found out at his anatomy scan just after the 20 week mark. It’s hard to put into words how we felt that day. You try to prepare yourself for anything and tell yourself no matter what happens (if anything happens) you will still be super excited and happy for this baby. Everything in his scan went smoothly until we got to his feet. Up until that point the technician kept telling us “oh here is his heart, looks great! There are his hands, looks great, etc.” So when she was quiet for what felt like 10 minutes, I was beginning to get a little nervous. She eventually pointed out her concern and mentioned that his left foot was bent; meaning it was probably clubbed. She finished her scan and then sent us to talk to our midwife.
We both had a few moments to try and digest what that meant. I had never even heard of it, but I could see his feet and toes so I knew they weren’t missing so I kept telling myself it probably wasn’t too worrisome. Zack of course googled the term to at least get a reference of what the heck she was talking about and it helped us at least get a small idea what we were up against. As soon as our midwife walked into the room she quickly reassured us that this was more common than we thought and that it was almost always correctable. They sent us off to a specialist though to follow up about treatment and to continue to monitor his health.
Like I said before, we are so excited for our baby to come into this world, but it was still hard news to hear. It’s funny how as an expecting parent all you want is for your children to be happy and healthy. You don’t want them to have to struggle in any sense in life…but I guess that’s not realistic. Life isn’t perfect and everyone struggles with something so to expect baby not to have any struggles is unrealistic. I think that the biggest take away is how we prepare for his arrival in the next several weeks. We spoke to the specialist and they now believe both feet are clubbed, not just the left foot. This however does not change the care baby will receive once he is born. He will have his feet in casts for a few weeks (depending on the severity will depend on how long he has to wear the casts) and then he will wear a brace called boots and bar for a few years. With all this mind, we won’t really know what steps we need to take until baby boy is born and the doctors can assess his feet. So there are still a lot of unknowns but we are hopeful that everything will work out and baby will get the best possible care so he can have full function of his feet.
Wow, that was a little heavier than I expected it to be! I promise not every post will be like this, but dang, I’m already seeing how hard parenthood is ha.
***If you or someone you know has had clubbed feet, we would love any tips, tricks, or details to help us navigate baby’s first few years of life!
22 weeks pregnant